About the school…
Teaching experience
Kim has 20 years’ experience as an educator, initially teaching A level Art before establishing her own independent art school ‘Paint Modern,’ based in Surrey. In more recent years she has specialised in teaching abstract painting and drawing at the newest incarnation of her private art school Paint Abstract. Kim offers classes and online classes in cutting edge art.
School USP
Artist Kim O’Neil provides tutorage in contemporary abstract painting with a focus on nurturing your individual style, developing processes, increasing your repetoire of techniques, enhancing abstract compositions and all from her state of the art studio via Zoom or at various locations in Kent and Surrey.
Paint technologist
Paint technologist and ambassador for Winsor & Newton and Liquitex since 2008, Kim has lectured and demonstrated on their behalf, so has expert knowledge of their products and their full potential. She has run workshops at London Graphic Centre, Great Art, Cass Art, and Jacksons in association with these brands, to name just a few. She has also lectured at Central Saint Martins UAL in partnership with Winsor & Newton. Art writing has also been another facet of Kim’s career and published work for Liquitex, Winsor and Newton, Ken Bromley, and London Graphic Centre’s blog.